The Dream Begins & Sun Kissed Bucket List is born…After a few wines, as you do.
T & I have talked for the past year at least, about seriously wanting to sell our belongings and travel the world, its a passion and a huge unknown that we share. We want out of the UK and our small corner, to see the big wide world.
It’s Friday evening, during Lock Down 2020 (#quarantine), and we have been looking at lots of travel blogs & holidays as we have been cooped up for far too long – 2.5 months and counting. Lock Down and this global pandemic has made us realise that we’re too impatient and that we have nothing that really ties us down to the UK for now (apart from our family, obviously, we love you) and that we have nothing to lose as long as we have a plan B just in case. That bottle of wine might have just changed our course for the next few years to come…
T is like the manager and immediately came up with a plan of action for us to initially get going. I found it really hard at first as it’s such a broad topic, like where do you start? So much to think about that we made a list. My mum & Mrs Hinch (if you don’t know her, you need to look her up now) taught me my third love after T & travel, LISTS!. We had been searching for a few weeks for travel blogs, travel synonyms, songs about travel, travel quotes, you name it, I searched it, to find us a quirky name, to start our blog and start our journey. It was actually a joint effort on the name, (I have to say that as he proof reads) but it just clicked and it suits us. Sun kissed Bucket List. That’s us.
We set up an Instagram & YouTube account straight away so that we know we would have somewhere to post our memories, but also for our friends and family to be able to see what we’re up to. T is really enjoying photography and editing and so we have somewhere for him to share his work too! We would love for this journey to become full time and could not think of anything better than travelling for a living, so here goes…
T &L