Creating our name – Sun Kissed Bucket List
T handed the bat over to me on this one and let me do my thing (not sure that was wise as it did take me weeks). Creativity & imagination is not my strong point and so I had to do a lot of research to get myself going. Again, such a broad topic and overwhelming to choose somewhere to start would be an understatement.
I found a few tips that really helped us and wanted to share it as part of our journey. I mean it was really the first thing that got us here…
1. I searched travel blog names & their suggestions galore! I checked out more than I can count on my fingers and toes, twice! It’s really useful to search and see what other people have used as their name and also where they got their inspiration from, as that then gives you the first clue on where to start looking and thinking for your own. It’s absolutely fine to take ideas from them, as long as you make them your own. No one likes a copycat.
2. I could probably tell you 10 different travel quotes or puns off the top of my head, does that tell you how much I looked into these? We didn’t know what name we wanted or even have any creative ideas, but we knew we wanted it to be quirky and different. This was such a useful tool as it helps you to think differently and I experimented with mixing a few up that I liked, some of my favourites are;
“Vitamin Sea”
“Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul”
“Another Sun bites the dust”
“Adios Beaches”
3. Travel Synonyms are also good to look over as it gives you another option if you particularly liked a certain name but it was already taken to play around with synonyms of the word. This helped too as, if you’re like me and have 0 creative bones in your body, it ignites a little spark of ideas or similar choices you can use, whilst still being unique.
As you can imagine I didn’t just search this once, I literally searched daily for the same thing over and over (hoping & praying) a cute, creative name would spark in my non-imaginative brain! (Which it finally did, yay!) My only advice for creating your name or your brand would be to make it different and personal to you, but don’t limit it to a variable that has the ability to change in the future and don’t settle, T & I talked through hundreds and you’ll know when it’s yours!
T & L